Film Date: April, 2001 Genre: Comedy Cast: Jean Reno Christina Applegate Christian Clavier Malcolm McDowell Tara Reid Bridgette...
Film Date: April, 2001
Genre: Comedy
Jean Reno
Christina Applegate
Christian Clavier
Malcolm McDowell
Tara Reid
Bridgette Wilson
The backstory takes place in 12th century England, where Lord Thibault is about to marry Princess Rosalind, the daughter of the reigning king, who would thus be Henry II. Her mother was Eleanor of Aquitaine, and her brothers were Richard the Lionheart and John Lackland. At the wedding banquet, an enemy gives Thibault a potion which makes him hallucinate, and under its influence, he kills his own bride (rather than her father, as in the French version) believing she is a ferocious monster. While under sentence of death, he asks a wizard to give him a drug that will send him back to the moment before he killed Princess Rosalind. The incompetent wizard botches the spell, and instead, Thibault and his servant are sent into the 21st century.
They end up in a museum in Chicago where they are arrested by the police. However, they are rescued by Julia Malféte (Christina Applegate), a museum employee who closely resembles Princess Rosalind. She thinks that Thibault is her relative who drowned while yachting a couple of years ago. Thibault soon finds out that Julia is descended from his family and realizes he must return to the 12th century to correct the past. Julia introduces them to the modern American style of life where norms from medieval times no longer apply. Before the return to his time, Thibault decides to protect Julia from her money-hungry fiance Hunter (Matt Ross). Meanwhile, his servant Andre falls for a pretty gardener, Angelique (Tara Reid) who presents him with the world of equal rights for all people.
The wizard realizes his mistake and decides to time travel into the future to help Thibault... Read More>>
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Genre: Comedy
Jean Reno
Christina Applegate
Christian Clavier
Malcolm McDowell
Tara Reid
Bridgette Wilson
The backstory takes place in 12th century England, where Lord Thibault is about to marry Princess Rosalind, the daughter of the reigning king, who would thus be Henry II. Her mother was Eleanor of Aquitaine, and her brothers were Richard the Lionheart and John Lackland. At the wedding banquet, an enemy gives Thibault a potion which makes him hallucinate, and under its influence, he kills his own bride (rather than her father, as in the French version) believing she is a ferocious monster. While under sentence of death, he asks a wizard to give him a drug that will send him back to the moment before he killed Princess Rosalind. The incompetent wizard botches the spell, and instead, Thibault and his servant are sent into the 21st century.
They end up in a museum in Chicago where they are arrested by the police. However, they are rescued by Julia Malféte (Christina Applegate), a museum employee who closely resembles Princess Rosalind. She thinks that Thibault is her relative who drowned while yachting a couple of years ago. Thibault soon finds out that Julia is descended from his family and realizes he must return to the 12th century to correct the past. Julia introduces them to the modern American style of life where norms from medieval times no longer apply. Before the return to his time, Thibault decides to protect Julia from her money-hungry fiance Hunter (Matt Ross). Meanwhile, his servant Andre falls for a pretty gardener, Angelique (Tara Reid) who presents him with the world of equal rights for all people.
The wizard realizes his mistake and decides to time travel into the future to help Thibault... Read More>>
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