Film Date: January, 2012 Genre: Action, Historical Drama, Romance Total Episodes: 20 Casts: Kim Soo Hyun as Lee Hwon Yeo J...
Genre: Action, Historical Drama, Romance
Total Episodes: 20
Kim Soo Hyun as Lee Hwon
Yeo Jin Goo as Hwon (15 years old)
Han Ga In as Heo Yeon Woo / Wol
Jung Il Woo as Prince Yang Myung
Lee Min Ho as young Yang Myung
Kim Min Seo as Yoon Bo Kyung
Kim So Hyun as young Bo Kyung
Yoon Seung Ah as Seol
Suh Ji Hee as young Seol
Kim Soo Hyun as Lee Hwon
Yeo Jin Goo as Hwon (15 years old)
Han Ga In as Heo Yeon Woo / Wol
Jung Il Woo as Prince Yang Myung
Lee Min Ho as young Yang Myung
Kim Min Seo as Yoon Bo Kyung
Kim So Hyun as young Bo Kyung
Yoon Seung Ah as Seol
Suh Ji Hee as young Seol
Set in the Joseon dynasty, two brothers find themselves falling in love with a female shaman, who does not remember her noble past.
Lee Hwon (Kim Soo Hyun) is the Crown Prince, but he finds the role a burden to bear. He would rather have his older, more talented brother Yang Myung (Jung Il Woo) be the crown prince, but because Yang Myung is an illegitimate child he has no right to the crown. When Lee Hwon tries to escape the palace walls for a little adventure, he encounters Heo Yeon Woo (Han Ga In), the intelligent daughter of a nobleman. It's love at first sight for him, but Lee Hwon is also set to marry another nobleman's daughter, Bo Kyung. Little does Hwon realize, but Yang Myung is also falling for Yeon Woo.
Bo Kyung's father fears that Hwon may take action to make sure Yeon Woo will be his wife, and that will dampen his plans in gaining more power in the court. He orders the chief shaman to kill Yeon Woo, but the shaman realizes there is something special in Yeon Woo. The shaman fakes Yeon Woo's death, and then raises her far away from the palace. Yeon Woo loses her memory after suffering the shock of being buried alive, and she becomes Wol. When she returns to the palace, unrecognizable and as a shaman, she shakes up the court as Hwon and Yang Myung find themselves inexplicably falling in love with her again...
Set in the Joseon dynasty, two brothers find themselves falling in love with a female shaman, who does not remember her noble past.
Lee Hwon (Kim Soo Hyun) is the Crown Prince, but he finds the role a burden to bear. He would rather have his older, more talented brother Yang Myung (Jung Il Woo) be the crown prince, but because Yang Myung is an illegitimate child he has no right to the crown. When Lee Hwon tries to escape the palace walls for a little adventure, he encounters Heo Yeon Woo (Han Ga In), the intelligent daughter of a nobleman. It's love at first sight for him, but Lee Hwon is also set to marry another nobleman's daughter, Bo Kyung. Little does Hwon realize, but Yang Myung is also falling for Yeon Woo.
Bo Kyung's father fears that Hwon may take action to make sure Yeon Woo will be his wife, and that will dampen his plans in gaining more power in the court. He orders the chief shaman to kill Yeon Woo, but the shaman realizes there is something special in Yeon Woo. The shaman fakes Yeon Woo's death, and then raises her far away from the palace. Yeon Woo loses her memory after suffering the shock of being buried alive, and she becomes Wol. When she returns to the palace, unrecognizable and as a shaman, she shakes up the court as Hwon and Yang Myung find themselves inexplicably falling in love with her again...